Successful police dog bite compensation claim

Case study of one of our successful police dog bite compensation claims.

We specialise in recovering compensation for people who have been bitten by a police dog. Here is a short summary of one of our many successes.

Our client witnessed a serious criminal offence being committed. As the offender attempted to get away, our client bravely chased after them and assisted the police in apprehending the suspect. However, during the course of these events a police dog mistakenly latched onto our client’s leg and threw him to the ground. The police dog handler struggled to release his dog from our client, and by the time he succeeded in doing so, our client had already sustained serious injuries.

Our client attempted to obtain compensation through the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) but his application was rejected. He then decided to contact our team of specialists lawyers for expert advice. We told him that he was entitled to make a compensation claim against the police, and offered to deal with his case on a no win, no fee basis.

We obtained a medical report on our client’s injuries and presented this, together with his claim, to the police force. The police recognised that they did not have a valid defence to the case and therefore made an offer to settle the claim. A compensation package was subsequently negotiated without the need for our client to attend court.

If you would like to discuss making a police dog bite compensation claim on a No Win – No Fee basis, then call our team of specialist lawyers. We represent claimants nationwide and have an excellent track record of success. We will assess your case completely free of charge, and if we feel we can recover compensation then we will provide you with full details of our popular No Win – No Fee service.

Contact our free legal helpline on 0333 888 0419 or email us at

Successful police dog bite compensation claim