To find out if you can sue the police for mistaken identity contact our specialist solicitors for a free consultation. We specialise in mistaken identity arrest claims and work on a No Win, No Fee basis. Call us on 0333
Compensation for police misconduct
Rising police misconduct cases: What it means for seeking compensation For legal assistance with seeking compensation for police misconduct contact our specialist team. We offer a free consultation service and can work on a No Win, No Fee basis. Give
Compensation claim against Dorset police
Can I make a compensation claim against Dorset police? An investigation by the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) uncovered gross misconduct among six Dorset Police officers due to offensive messages shared in a WhatsApp group. Four officers were found
Injured by a police car
Tragic fatal crash caused by speeding police car: How our lawyers can recover compensation for people injured by a police car. An inquest has revealed that a fatal crash in south-east London on October 17, 2024, was caused by an
Data breach claims against the CPS
Making a data breach claim against the CPS. Data breaches have become an increasing concern in recent years, especially when sensitive personal information is exposed. If your personal data was mishandled by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and you’ve suffered
Police date breach
Claiming compensation for a police data breach. Police forces have an obligation to ensure that personal data is protected and kept secure. Personal data refers to information which is able to identify an individual or may be combined with other
Police misconduct notices served in Tamzin Hall case
Police misconduct notices have been served in Tamzin Hall M5 death investigation. If you have been the victim of police misconduct then contact us for a free consultation about claiming compensation. The Independent Office for Police (IOPC) continue to investigate
Can I claim compensation for a delayed parole hearing?
One of the most frequently asked questions that our free helpline team deals with is, ‘Can I claim compensation for a delayed parole hearing?’ As this real life case study of a successful compensation claim made following a delayed parole
Electronic tag compensation claims
We deal with electronic tag compensation claims nationwide and offer No Win, No Fee funding. To find out if you have a claim, contact our free legal helpline. Electronic tags are used to monitor an individual’s compliance with a court-imposed
Making a claim against Avon and Somerset Police
To make a compensation claim against Avon and Somerset Police on a No Win, No Fee basis contact our free legal helpline by calling 0333 888 0419 or emailing us at [email protected] PC Mitchell Curtis, a former officer with Avon