Electronic tag compensation claims

We deal with electronic tag compensation claims nationwide and offer No Win, No Fee funding. To find out if you have a claim, contact our free legal helpline.

Electronic tags are used to monitor an individual’s compliance with a court-imposed curfew by tracking their movements. Electronic tags help to ensure compliance with legal restrictions while allowing individuals to remain in the community. The curfew typically requires the individual to remain at a specific location, such as their home, during certain hours, often overnight. Tags are often monitored by organisations who receive real-time data and then pass that information on to third parties, such as the Probation Service or the police, to alert them of a potential breach.

However, the companies who monitor these tags sometimes get things wrong. This can be due to technical errors, procedural errors or miscommunication. For example, individuals who breach their curfew should be reported to the Probation Service. However, on occasion this has been known to be incorrectly reported to the police service as a breach of court bail as opposed to a breach of sentence. This can then lead to police officers locating and arresting the individual wrongfully for ‘breach of bail’.  Time spent under arrest may be deemed as ‘unlawful detention’ for which compensation can be sought for. Other breaches may be applicable in these circumstances such as assault, trespass, or a breach of S.6 Human Rights Act 1998. Our specialist solicitors can determine this on a case by case basis.

Other instances may include situations where there has been miscommunication from the Courts regarding how someone should be monitored. Some people have been wrongfully arrested where they have been monitored through a tag, but court has wrongly recorded it as monitoring under police checks, and when the police believe an individual is not at home they are arrested instead of having their movements checked via electronic tag.

Our lawyers understand the profound impact a wrongful arrest can have on your life. If you or a loved one would like guidance on electronic tag compensation claims or details of No Win, No Fee funding, please contact our free legal helpline for a case review.

Call 0333 888 0419 or email [email protected]

Electronic tag compensation claims