Road Accidents Involving a Police Vehicle

For specialist legal guidance on claiming compensation for road accidents involving a police vehicle, contact our free legal helpline by phone or email.

If you are injured in a road accident involving a police vehicle then you may be entitled to claim compensation if the accident was caused by the carelessness of the police.

We are experienced in dealing with ‘blue light’ personal injury claims, and offer a nationwide service.

The right to make a claim applies even if the accident occurred during a police chase resulting in innocent road users being injured. Those who were travelling as a passenger in the pursued vehicle may also be entitled to make a claim. In certain circumstances the driver of a pursued vehicle itself may be eligible to claim compensation.

We deal with road accidents involving a police vehicle on a No Win, No Fee basis. This means that you do not need to let worries about paying legal fees put you off claiming the compensation you deserve.

In addition to recovering compensation for the ‘pain and suffering’ of the injury itself, we will also recover your financial losses. This will include lost earnings, the cost of medical care, and any out of pocket expenses you incur.

Where an injury is particularly serious we will review the financial impact that it is likely to have on you in the future. This will include any reduction in your earning capacity, as well as adaptations that may need to be made to your house or car.

So, if you have suffered injury in an accident involving a police vehicle and would like to know where you stand on claiming compensation, then contact our free legal helpline for a case assessment and details of our No Win, No Fee funding scheme.

Phone 0333 888 0419 or email [email protected]